Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 1 Reflection

Day 1 Reflection

It seems that the normal reality show “Amazing Race” not only happens on television, it happens on real life too, on us.

We were running in the Bangkok airport as we had to catch our flight. At that moment we felt like a champion reaching the finishing line. But we are not running alone, we are running in a group of more than 40 people, at the same lane having same goal and destination, at that time we felt like we are a big family.

When we arrived at Kunming International Airport, we felt like we were entering a back stage and the moment we step foot out into the big stage, there was like an overwhelming audience waiting for us and were offering us roses. Oddly, we felt like we were deeply connected even when we have not met each other before.

Our group thought that China was a modernized city like Singapore but after, we saw that China was less fortunate than what we expected. Such an example, are the many beggars found on the streets of Kunming. We felt that we were really fortunate to be born in Singapore.

Signing out Group G

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